Our Purpose
Advancing Successful
Aging at Home®
We are coming into a senior population explosion unprecedented in human history. We will need an army of educated and compassionate advocates to assist them with dignity and integrity. Age Safe America will help train and empower this army.

Our Mission
Aging-in-Place Industry Leader.
To be a leading brand in the now burgeoning Aging-in-Place industry, empowering seniors, caregivers, healthcare professionals, associations, governmental agencies, entrepreneurs, non-profits and other innovative organizations.
Our Vision
Safety, Security, Longevity.
To affect the safety, security and longevity of the world’s aging population.
Our Story
Founded on Need. Driven by Passion.
Approximately one-third of adults age 65 years or older fall in their home each year, resulting in injury, long-term disability and premature loss of independence. By 2030, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates the costs related to these kinds of injuries to surpass $100 Billion annually.
Nearly 90 percent of people over age 65 want to stay in their home for as long as possible. However, for older adults to age in place, their home environment must be safe and accommodating.
Age Safe® America was founded in the summer of 2015 in an effort to help reduce and prevent falls and their associated costs by promoting the necessity of making preparations NOW to ensure ongoing freedom and independence as we age. The goal was to help seniors and families determine the steps necessary to maximize both Safety and Independence.
At that time, there really wasn’t a senior home safety assessment industry. Most companies had no formal training, certification, or an evidence-based senior home safety assessment tool. The full Aging in Place Home Safety Advisor™ Training, Coaching and Consulting program was our initial offering. This interactive consulting and coaching service gained us boots on the ground and an invaluable real life field learning environment throughout North America as to the needs of providers, entrepreneurs and consumers choosing to age in place.
In 2017 the Senior Home Safety Specialist® certification was launched, and by mid 2020 Age Safe® America had trained professionals in 8 countries and had become one of the most recognized brands in the now burgeoning Aging in Place industry, earning the respect of thought leaders, healthcare professionals, national associations, governmental agencies, entrepreneurs, non-profits and Fortune 100 companies.
Our Brand
By effectively building its brand equity while raising the awareness, value, and necessity of a comprehensive home safety assessment, Age Safe® America has developed a unique market segment and certification all its own.
Age Safe America, LLC has diligently protected its brand by acquiring multiple USPTO registered trademarks and a massive portfolio of relevant domains in several countries. After the impact of COVID-19, Age Safe America, LLC negotiated a licensing agreement for the Senior Home Safety Specialist® certification with a respected healthcare organization based in Toronto to propel the Age Safe® vision throughout all Canadian provinces and territories. Currently the company is targeting other countries for further international expansion, and considering partnerships with like-minded teams to help exploit our intellectual property, and advance the development of Age Safe® consumer products and services.
Let’s Age Safe® Together!
Safety. Security. Longevity.
Age Safe® America
Since 2015 a national membership, training, advocacy and services organization.
Market Landscape.
According to a survey conducted by the AARP, nearly 90 percent of adults over the age of 65 want to “Age-in-Place”. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention defines aging in place as “the ability to live in one’s own home and community safely, independently, and comfortably, regardless of age, income, or ability level.” One of the most significant threats to seniors successfully aging in place is falls.
So, how big is this marketplace? According to Oxford Economics, the so-called longevity economy, which serves the needs of Americans over 50, is currently a $7.1 trillion market and composes 46 percent of the U.S. economy. As baby boomers continue to age, the market is forecasted to grow to more than $13.5 trillion by 2032. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, by 2030 there will be approximately 71.5 million Americans over the age of 65. This represents nearly 20 percent of the entire projected U.S. population in 2030. This is a significant increase from 1950, when only eight percent of the population was 65 or over.
Membership. Training. Advocacy. Services.
Age Safe® America is a national membership, training, advocacy and services organization. Since 2015 the company has been led by nationally recognized experts in fall prevention, senior home safety, aging-in-place, universal design, home modifications, environmental assessment, and marketing to seniors and aging boomers. We provide training, consulting, certifications, product reviews, tools, resources and support to businesses and organizations providing products and services to seniors and their adult children. The goal of Age Safe America is to help older adults and their families enjoy the comfort, freedom and independence to “Age Safe® at Home.”
Trained Professionals Worldwide.
Age Safe® America has trained professionals throughout North America, Europe, Asia and the Middle East. We have positioned ourselves as a training and consulting leader in the Aging in Place space with our Senior Home Safety Specialist® certification. We have trained professionals across many industries including: Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, Care Managers, Nurses, Remodelers, Contractors, Architects, Designers, Home Care Providers, Social Workers, First Responders, Accessibility Experts, Realtors, Senior Living Advisors, Entrepreneurs, Executives, Assisted Living Communities, Home Inspectors, Handyman Services, Non-Profit and Fortune 100 Companies.