Safety. Security. Longevity.
Age Safe® in Place
Age Safe® America advocates for High Quality Home Safety Products, Innovative Health and Safety Technologies, and Enhanced Living Features that can assist people of all ages and abilities to enjoy their Home, Health and Independence.
Senior Home Safety Specialist™ help older adults and their families determine steps necessary to successfully Age Safe® in Place and enjoy the comfort, freedom and independence of their own homes. From comprehensive home safety assessments and simple modifications like grab bars, non-slip surfaces and technology products, to completely remodeling the home to allow for better mobility and accessibility or to accommodate an aging parent there are many solutions to allow individuals of all ages and abilities to “age safe at home”.

About 10,000 baby boomers turn 65 every day, government statistics show. Approximately one-quarter of today’s 65-year-olds are projected to live past 90. Estimates indicate that by the year 2030, the U.S. will be home to 71 million people over age 65. Roughly 90% of these folks want to Age Safe® in Place. Our vision is to affect the safety, security and longevity of America’s aging population.
Your next adventure in life is all about freedom and independence ...and it starts at your front door!

Age Safe® America has trained Senior Home Safety Specialists throughout North America, Europe, Asia and the Middle East.
Use the form below to request a Comprehensive Home Safety Assessment today!
Safety. Security. Longevity.
Advancing Successful Aging at Home®
“We are coming into a senior population explosion that is unprecedented in history. We will need an army of educated and compassionate advocates to assist them with dignity and integrity. Age Safe America will help train and empower this army.”
Steven A. Bailey
Founder/Managing Director