Safety. Security. Longevity.
Fall Prevention
We passionately believe there is simply no excuse not to take charge of fall prevention measures in your own home or an aging parents home! Falls have become epidemic in America. Every year approximately one-third of adults 65 or older fall in their home, and half of those over age 80 fall annually, resulting in injury, long-term disability and premature loss of independence. This is a preventable epidemic.
Age Safe America was created in an effort to help reduce and prevent falls and their associated costs by promoting the necessity to make the necessary preparations NOW to ensure ongoing freedom and independence for all.

Age Safe® America says there is NO EXCUSE!
Fall Prevention is a variety of actions to help reduce the number of accidental falls suffered by older people. Falls and fall related injuries are among the most serious and common medical problems experienced by older adults.
Falls are the leading cause of fatal injury and the most common cause of nonfatal trauma-related hospital admissions among older adults. Every 11 seconds, an older adult is treated in the emergency room for a fall; every 19 minutes, an older adult dies from a fall. Falls account for 25% of all hospital admissions, and 40% of all nursing home admissions. Among those who are admitted to a nursing home, nearly half will never return to independent living. Falling once doubles your chances of falling again. Most falls are caused by a combination of risk factors. The more risk factors a person has, the greater their chance of falling. Although this data is staggering, less than half of those who fall will tell their doctor.

Baby Boomers are a generation that remembers cars without seat belts or clicking them closed and sitting on top of them. In the late 60’s there were many misconceptions around seat belts such as saying that seat belts would prevent passengers from escaping their cars if submerged in water or in the case of a fire. Some even felt it was actually safer to be thrown from a car in an accident. Today literally everyone agrees that seat belts are an effective injury-reducing device that saves lives; and so do grab bars. By taking the simple action of installing grab bars, Americans can significantly reduce trauma-related hospital admissions among older adults, and the skyrocketing cost of fall-related injuries.
In 2015 four times as many Americans 65+ died of unintentional falls than in motor vehicle traffic accidents.
We hope our message can help them and their family members to understand and acknowledge the magnitude of this problem. To Americans, especially older adults, there are few virtues more important than freedom and independence. Many of our “greatest generation” rallied around this call to arms, yet a simple fall, most often in or around the home can take away both of those highly revered values for good…in the slip of a moment.
Safety. Security. Longevity.
You Can Make a Real Difference.
This course is designed to empower our graduates with actionable knowledge, a strong market differentiator, and proven revenue generator.
Watch this 3-minute video.

There are several simple and affordable modifications such as lighting and non-slip surfaces that can easily be done by homeowners or family members yet provide immediate safety benefits to residents and visitors. First get rid of anything you or your lived one could trip over. Make sure the home has lots of light by adding more or brighter light bulbs. Modifications such as adding grab bars inside and outside your tub or shower as well as next to the toilet, or adding railings on both sides of a stairwell or in a hallway may best done by a qualified contractor or handyman.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates the financial toll for older adult falls is expected to increase as the population ages and may reach $100 billion by 2030. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) recently released a wide-ranging report calling for action from public and private sectors to work together to reduce senior injuries at home and to integrate fall prevention strategies and support efforts to aging-in-place, senior home safety, and continuous care models.
We all want to do the right thing when it comes to the health and safety of our elderly parents.
Safety. Security. Longevity.
Age Safe® America
Since 2015 a national membership, training, advocacy and services organization.
4 Simple Tips to Prevent Falls
- Talk to your doctor and review your medications.
- Exercise to help increase leg strength and balance.
- Have your eyes checked annually to update glasses.
- Make your home safer…and install grab bars today!
2 Ways Age Safe® America Helps
Comprehensive Home Safety Assessment
Senior Home Safety Specialists™ help families determine the steps necessary to maximize both safety and independence. They do this by providing a very comprehensive home safety assessment then giving recommendations and solutions for fall prevention, home modifications and crime prevention, all to help older adults enjoy the freedom and independence to “age safe® at home”.
Senior Home Safety Specialist Certification
The Senior Home Safety Specialist™ course is another way Age Safe America is helping to impact this national crisis. The course empowers professionals with actionable ways to better help educate clients, older adults and their family members on the serious issues of home safety, fall prevention, financial exploitation and personal safety. This comprehensive 5-hour self-paced online course offers the only certification of its kind to individuals within the senior services industry.
As senior safety advocates and healthcare professionals we all have a responsibility to make it clear to our family, friends and clients that grab bars are not an option, they are a mandatory device for preserving independence.
Take Charge of Fall Prevention in Your Home or a Loved Ones Home!