Safety. Security. Longevity.
Grab Bar Installation
Our national campaign “Grab Bars Are The New Seat Belts” urges greater adoption of grab bars to help reduce preventable injuries and the rising costs associated with older adult falls.

Safety. Security. Longevity.
Grab Bar Training Course
The Grab Bar Training course provides a thorough understanding of the importance of grab bars for the health and safety of your clients or family. Proper installation and use of grab bars can mitigate the risks of falling and provide peace of mind and independence. The purpose of this course is to provide description of generally accepted practices for residential installation of grab bars through instructional presentations and videos; along with real world insights with clients.
This 2 hour self-paced online course covers topics from style and location selection, to fundamental installation techniques and best practices, to client and family communication techniques. Upon successfully completing the entire course, you will receive an attractive certificate along with a digital copy of the course emblem for use in your marketing, social media and public relations efforts.
Overall course topics include:
◉ Job preparation and tools
◉ Grab bar styles and locations
◉ Installation techniques
◉ Job safety
◉ Client interaction
According to Census Bureau data, 48 million households (39%) include at least one person age 65 or over, one person with a disability, or both. And about 1 in 8 households have a member who uses a mobility device for a long-term condition.
Grab Bars are not only for seniors and people with disabilities. 53% of bath Injuries involve people between the ages of 25-64. Grab Bars are for EVERYONE in the family! As senior safety advocates, home service providers and healthcare professionals, we all have a responsibility to make it clear to family, friends, customers and clients, that Grab Bars are not an option, they are a mandatory safety device for preserving health and independence. Help to prevent falls and maintain independence.
Grab Bars are the single most important home safety modification you can provide. They prevent falls, save lives, and reduce hospital re-admissions. Grab Bars can be installed in bathrooms, kitchens, bedrooms, doorways and other areas of a home. Help clients to prevent falls and maintain independence. Proper installation is essential to provide a safe support.
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