During the speed networking session at Boomer Business Summit…
Over 3,000 attendees from across the nation and abroad attended the Aging in America conference to learn, network and participate in the largest multidisciplinary conference covering issues of aging and quality of life for older adults. Our Chief Advocacy Officer Fritzi Gros-Daillon also attended the Boomer Business Summit.
The Boomer Business Summit was a day long conference held within the AiA16 event in Washington DC in March. From a prominent panel, we learned several fascinating and thought-provoking points about who we are and what is important to us in the different age cohorts. Here are a few of the points which, as we look at the need for home safety advisors throughout the country, will provide interesting marketing perspectives.
For each age group, there are the same experiences within our life cycles. For example, no matter when you were born, in your 20s the world is all about you and in your 30s the focus moves outward to others. Even within a cohort, history invades the experience of our lives and brings fundamental changes. For baby boomers, born into a yes/no, right/wrong world, with the introduction of TV as youngsters, the college age rebelliousness was fueled by the access to images of the world.
With Louis Tenenbaum and at the social hour…
The GenXers, also referred to as the Nikes or Bridge generation, came along when the world was falling apart; the divorce rate in families was 33%. Now they are waiting for boomers to pass the baton and boomers are running a longer race because they need and want to keep running business and government.
Then we have the 82 million millennials who will comprise 1/3 of the workforce and the electorate by 2020. In their lives, within the rush of technology, their world is always changing, never ending. They are actually the first globals. They play more soccer than baseball and football. With the world on the desktop or in their hands, there is no difference between them in a global space. Up to 66% of them have already traveled abroad and 46% expect to work in a foreign country. For millennials, the work day is not 9 to 5 but 24/7 so the phrase “all in a day’s work” has a different meaning.
As Age Safe Advisors, it is important to understand the mindsets for our potential customers and the messages that will resonate as we drive our value proposition. One in four Millenials is an active caregiver, right now. So as we are focused on home safety and fall prevention for the older adults, the stress and worry alleviation for the adult children and grandchildren is a vital part of our service.
Enjoying a social hour on a lovely day in DC…