We received this letter from my niece… PLEASE read and Share!
Dear Friends and Family,
On November 3, 2018, I will be participating in the Alzheimer’s Memory Walk in honor of my grandmother. This walk is the world’s largest event to raise awareness and funds for Alzheimer’s. It is led by the Alzheimer’s Association, which is an organization that is working to advance care, support, and research all over the world.
If you know me, you know that this is more than just a fundraiser to me. When I was in high school, my grandmother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and I spent the following five years doing everything I could to keep her memories and connections alive. One of the most difficult parts about losing a family member to Alzheimer’s is the feeling of helplessness. And I can only imagine that one of the most difficult parts about having Alzheimer’s is the feeling of isolation as people who were once family members and loved ones, begin to resemble perfect strangers. Participating in this memory walk gives me an opportunity to make a difference and creates a sense of unity towards a common cause. In a sense, it allows a group of perfect strangers, to begin to resemble a family.
During all of the uncertainty and sadness and loss throughout those five years, one thing was always consistent: love. The foundation of love in my family has always been unshakeable. Earlier this month would have been my grandparent’s 62nd wedding anniversary. Although my grandma may have only remembered the first 50, I watched my grandfather love her every day of his life. The memories he was able to share of their love are what continue to live on. As I participate in the Walk to End Alzheimer’s this year I will be thinking about that feeling of love – the experiences, the stories, the memories – all rooted in love – that I hope no one else will ever have to lose.
In education, we are told that observations are not truly observations unless you write them down. We are reminded that with so many students we cannot rely on our memories if we want to be accurate and precise. I never thought too much about that idea until I started applying it to my own life. The fact is, memories are much more fragile and fleeting than we sometimes realize, but sharing those memories, either through writing or conversation, immortalizes them. I’ve been extremely lucky in my life to have shared so many amazing memories with those that I love, and because of my experiences caring for my grandmother, I have come to understand just how special those memories are.
So although this is probably not the first time I have shared my story with you, I invite you to share with me in the memory of making a difference, no matter the size. I’m asking you to consider supporting me this year in my attempt to make a small, but powerful difference in the fight to end Alzheimer’s, whether that be through donating to my team, walking with me in November, or spreading the word and sharing in the hope to live in a world without Alzheimer’s.
Here is the link to my page:
Walk to End Alzheimer’s 2018
The Alzheimer’s Association is the largest nonprofit voluntary health organization dedicated to accelerating the progress in prevention, cure and living with Alzheimer’s disease. The Alzheimer’s Association is incorporated as a single 501(c)(3) entity.