Use the tips on this checklist to ensure that your home is ready for all of the festive activities the holiday season brings. Fire Safety: Test your smoke alarms monthly and make sure that your house is protected by an...
The National Institute on Aging says: Prevention begins with a safety check of every room in your home to alert you to potential hazards and to record any changes you need to make. A simple thing can change your life—like...
Home modifications can benefit individuals in many ways including: Preventing falls and injuries Reducing health problems Delaying disability and difficulty with self-care Potentially reducing medical expenses Increasing feelings of confidence for family caregivers Helping you more easily move around and...
If your parent is 65 and older, ask these three questions: Have you fallen in the past year? Do you feel unsteady when standing or walking? Do you worry about falling? If your parent answers “yes” to any of these...
Basic Needs and Supplies ☐ Water — one gallon per person, per day (3-day supply for evacuation and 2-week supply for home) ☐ Food — it is a good idea to include foods that do not need cooking (canned,...
You’re asked to wire money to a stranger. You’ve won a contest you’ve never heard of or entered. You’re pressured to “act now!” You have to pay a fee to receive your “prize.” Your personal information is requested. A large...
A 2010 study in the Journal of Safety Research looking at a nationally representative sample of emergency room visits found more than 86,000 falls every year were linked to a cat or dog, most related to tripping over the animal....
If you have a senior living with you or you care for a senior who still lives in their own home, there are important safety threats you need to know about! Have you checked their living space for safety hazards?...
Tightrope walk: Just like a tightrope walker in a circus, this exercise requires elders to hold arms straight out from their sides, parallel to the floor. With arms positioned like this, ask your loved one to try walking in a...
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. -Benjamin Franklin This very well known saying is as true today as it was when Franklin made the quote and sums up the reason for an annual senior home safety...