6 Ways Seniors Can Age Safe® and Live Well. 1: Senior companions. A senior companion is someone (paid or volunteer) who spends a few hours a week or even a few hours a day with a senior to better enable...
Let’s Talk About Medical Alertness I know when you hear the words ‘medical alert’ your first thoughts are of bracelets with little medical symbols on them or the necklaces and watches some people wear which are alarm button to press...
National Senior Citizen’s Day Getting older definitely has its challenges and most will say the ‘golden years’ aren’t nearly as shiny and appealing as they are made out to be. But to go back to 21? No, thank you. So...
American Family Day This day has its beginnings in a one-year proclamation, which was signed by then-Governor of Arizona Raúl Héctor Castro. This proclamation declared August 7 as American Family Day. Many sources credit Arizona resident John Makkai as the...
Let’s Go On A Picnic! When I was a kid, I loved watching Yogi Bear and Boo Boo. Yogi’s penchant for pic-a-nic baskets was a source of entertainment to me and countless others. Yogi and Boo Boo’s antics also made...
Decluttering is Accident Prevention at its Best How many of you remember hearing your toddlers say, “I can do it myself!” You may have even heard these words more recently coming from the lips of your grandkids or great grandkids....
The Art of Decluttering Included in all the strange, unusual, and downright comical ‘holidays’ recognized by calendar makers (among others) is the holiday referred to as NATIONAL GIVE SOMETHING AWAY DAY, which is on July 15th. So, why not celebrate...
I feel relatively certain that anyone who reads this article knows who I am referring to when I say the GREATEST GENERATION, and what these people did to earn this distinction. We need to acknowledge, however, that with each passing...
Healing Power of Therapy Cats You’re probably familiar with therapy dogs visiting hospitals, schools, senior centers and nursing homes to help alleviate stress and provide comfort in times of need. But did you know that time spent with therapy cats...
Those Darn Cataracts We’ve all heard the word ‘cataract’ and we all know it has something to do with our eyes. But how many of you know what a cataract actually is? Answer: A cataract isn’t so much of a...